No food or drink and pet allowed in the facilities, including the Wonju Hanji Theme Park. Loud noises and acts that interfere with viewing are prohibited.
Facilities holiday notice
Wonju Theme park is closed every Monday, January 1st, New Year’s Day and Chuseok. Any special closure will be notified. Please refer to the dates when viewing.
[한지, 날개를 달다]
2018 한지아카데미 졸업작품전
[이지현 초대전]
원주한지테마파크의 대표 교육프로그램인
[2018 한지 아카데미] 수강생들의 1년 간의 수업 결과물!!!
한 자리에서 한 자리에서 감상할 수 있는 모둠전시를 준비했습니다.
전시 작품의 종류 : 색지공예, 지호공예, 지승공예, 닥종이인형, 한지그림, 천연염색, 현대민화, 한지아트-인테리어소품
151 Hanji Park-gil, Wonju-si, Ganwon-do (Mushil)Wonju Hanji Theme ParkHanji Development InstituteCorporate Registration number : 224-82-06931Personal Information Management Officer : Jueun Lee E-mail : wjhanjipark@hanmail.netCustomer center : 033-734-4739Fax : 033-734-4740
Unauthorized collection of email addresses posted on this website using an email collection program or any technological devices is refused, and in case of the violation, please note that you will be criminally punished under the Information and Communication Network Act.
am 9:00 - pm 18:00
Closed day
Every Monday, January 1st, New Year’s Day and Chuseok
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